Danforth Award Winners Named at SHS

Published: February 19, 2021

During Southern Garrett High School’s virtual commencement exercises June 20, 2020 two seniors received the William H. Danforth “I Dare You” Award.

This year’s winners were Holly Buckley and Daniel Nickel.

The Southern Garrett High School Alumni Association traditionally presents two seniors — a girl and a boy — with the award. The award was first offered in 1941 by Danforth himself, a businessman and philanthropist who challenged young people to achieve their highest potential and to influence others through lives of service.

Recipients are chosen based on academic success, leadership, community involvement, spirituality, service to others, physical fitness and talent development.

Buckley took honors and AP classes at Southern and was in the top 3% of her class.

She is a member of the National Honor Society, played varsity tennis and completed over 1,000 service learning hours.

Buckley has been on three mission trips and volunteers with Operation Christmas Child and Divine Hope Church.

Nickel is a MPSSAA Minds in Motion athlete, a National Honor Society member and is in the SGHS SAT/ACT Hall of Fame.

He is a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and has volunteered with St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church, the Rotary Club, and Knights of Columbus. Other nominees were Thaddaeus Rodeheaver, Zachary Rohrbaugh, Katherine Catulle, and Lillia Rose.

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