Welcome! On behalf of the SGHS Alumni Association, we are delighted you are visiting our site. We hope the information here will encourage you to renew your relationship with your alma mater.
The Southern Garrett High School Alumni Association:
The Southern Garrett High School Alumni Association was born out of the vision of founding President, Robert P. Sharps. In early 2001, he gathered a group of Southern graduates to explore the viability of an alumni association to serve students , the school and alumni.
The SGHSAA was incorporated on April 1, 2001, and subsequently received its designation as a Section 501(c)(3) charitable organization from the IRS.
Through the years, the Association has held to its Mission, outlined above.
Some highlights include over $175,000 in scholarships, the purchase of needed equipment ranging from a spectrometer to stage curtains, and the induction of almost twenty alumni into the Hall of Fame.
Following the end of World War II, it become evident to the leaders of Garrett County that new high schools would be needed in order to accommodate the growth in the county, and make the best use of educational funds. At that time, students in the southern part of the county attended high school either in Oakland or Kitzmiller. Both were olden facilities which were landlocked. The decision was made to build a new high school, located on a large tract of land between Oakland and Mountain Lake Park, and Southern High School was born. It was originally Southern JR - SR High School and was shortened to Southern High School in the 70's.
When the doors opened in fall of 1952, it served seventh through twelfth grade. In the 1970s with the completion of Southern Middle School, Southern served ninth through twelfth grade, as it does today, In the 1970s, the school became, officially, Southern Garrett High School, in recognition of the fact that there are two other Southern High Schools in the State of Maryland. From the beginning Southern provided tremendous opportunities for students to become involved in extracurricular activities. One of the earliest groups to gain recognition was the Senior Chorus under the direction of Ruth Brown. Future choruses would perform such musicals as “Sound of Music,” “Showboat,” and “Wizard of Oz.” Countless students participated in All State Chorus and in the All County Choral Festival, which brought together choruses from all over Garrett County.
The band, originally known as the Southern Highlander Marching Band, has enjoyed a long, rich tradition, as evidenced by the hundred trophies and banners in the band room. The band was led by Richard Cleve for over four decades.
In recognition of the county's agriculture roots, Southern Future Farmers of America have maintained one of the strongest chapters in the state. Several students have held both state and national offices. Southern has, through the years, expanded its vocational courses to include auto mechanics, drafting, electronics, machine shop, and carpentry, and many VICA students have won regional and state awards.
Students are also engaged in leadership development. Student government has always been administered though the Student Council. In addition, each class elects its own officers. Numerous other organizations have been established to address student interests and career aspirations.
One aspect of Southern that perhaps generates the most memories is athletics. Here, too, Southern has a long and rich tradition. It began much differently than what exists today. In the early days, there were no organized sports for girls. They did have an athletic association, but it not generally compete against other schools.
Southern athletics have produced dozens of championship teams, and have molded the character of hundreds of students. Throughout the years, the teams have enjoyed tremendous support from the community and have provided endless memories and stores that will continue to grow and reverberate through the years. Just to illustrate how life comes full circle, the Southern girls won the State Basketball Championship in 2004 and again in 2007 in what was one of the most exciting sports seasons in the school's history.
At the heart of Southern's success is a group of dedicated administrators and faculty who, through the years and continuing today, dedicated themselves to preparing students for life. The academic curriculum is rigorous and evolving to meet the changes of today while reflecting on traditions of the past. Outside the classroom the faculty and administration continue to be involved in many facets of the lives of the students, ranging from coaching, directing, tutoring, counseling, taking tickets, chaperoning trips, and being a friend and mentor.
The Southern Garrett HS Alumni Association board consists of the following individuals:
William B. Grant, President, Class of 1971
Martha DeBerry, Class of 1959
Raeslee Weimer Dick, Class of 2013
Linda Holland Fike, Class of 1972
Gene Flinn, Class of 1979
Angela Shafer, Class of 1996
Nick Sharps, Class of 2010
Robert P. Sharps, Class of 1967
Beverly Sincell, Class of 1973
Tonya Bray Sturm, Class of 1985
Landon Todd, Class of 2013
Ryan Wolf, Principal, Class of 1993
Dolores Youse, Class of 1970
Maria Zumpano, Teacher